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Hello, I'm Ugnius

I create business solutions that enhance user experiences, streamline workflows, or drive engagement through UX, marketing, and psychology

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"7 seconds to make an impression"

A case study of an unconventional way to increase visitor expectations of brand service quality.

or contact me for in-depth walkthrough

Web design

When it comes to design I think of story-like frameworks that someone will go through. You just have to know how to make it meaningful and problem solving by continuous research and testing

"How I overcame complex user segmentation building Snowball's website"

This in-depth case study details the process of creating a user-centered website aiming to effectively communicate with three different audience types.
Perhaps the most inspiring thing in design, as also in marketing, is the search for truth about your hypothesis. It may always be there where your assumptions tells you not to look.​

"User-centric success: Chasing Tails' landing page conversion rate optimization"

This brief case study outlines the context and my process involving user-research and A/B testing to increase Chasing Tails sales and newsletter signup conversion rate.

and here’s just a few websites simply put, yet crafted by design thinking

Zabolis Partners

Smart Brands Lab

Lets ask, search & create

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