Case Study

  • Question: How the first impression of a brand’s website influences user expectations regarding service quality?
  • Company in case: Bepelė – professional mold removal services in Lithuania
  • Hypothesis: Based on archetypal brand theory try adjusting copy and visuals of the hero and first section bellow the fold.
  • Task: Conduct a remote quantitative study, focusing on measuring the impact of the first impression of an archetypal brand’s website on visitors’ service quality expectations
  • Results: An increase in the dimension of trustworthiness between the original and modified page by (+6.43) 
  • Key takeaway: By understanding the psychological underpinnings of archetypal branding, designers can craft digital experiences that resonate deeply with users, fostering trust, loyalty, and engagement.


  • Conceptualization of Service Quality Expectations: 
    • The research operationalized the concept of service quality expectations, which was the key variable under investigation. This involved defining dimensions such as reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness, based on the SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry, 1988).


Expectation of service satisfaction


– Existing website screen

– Screen adjusted to Archetypal branding


– satisfaction with the service

– the duration of the service

– quality of service

– the price of the service

– the return value of the service purchased

– service delivery support

Method of Data Gathering:

– Questionnaire with 5-point Likert scale for evaluation

  • Sampling and Sample Size:

    • The sampling strategy targeted individuals who were potential customers based on data provided by the company. The primary demographic focus was on women aged 25-45, although males were also included for a more comprehensive analysis. Respondents were selected from a Facebook community. A total of 48 respondents participated in the survey.

  • Data Collection methodology:
    • I utilized a questionnaire based on the SERVQUAL model. The questionnaire consisted of statements related to service quality expectations across the defined dimensions. Respondents were asked to rate their agreement with each statement on a 7-point Likert scale, that was visually modified after “QuestionPro”
This scale was chosen due to visual processing cognitive priority - you identify with the face and color unconsciously faster than consciously reading the emotional description. In fact, it is known that a person forms a lasting first impression of another person within 39 milliseconds (Bar M., Neta M., Linz H., (2006) Very first impressions. Emotion"}
  • Stimulus Selection and Preparation:

    • Stimuli for the survey were two: an original and a modified replica of the BePelė homepage. The archetype was selected based on a questionnaire that I use for all my clients. 
      • This of course has its shortcomings as it is not user-centered, the questionnaire is fulfilled by the company team members. It would be worth considering to give the questionnaire to the targeted audience, define an archetype and build a brand from there.
    • The results showed highlighted the Caregiver/Guardian archetype for BePelė Thus according to the methodology outlined by Mark & Pearson (2001) and the colour guidelines of Broek (2014) adjustments to copy and color schemes were made
      • The Guardian archetype is characterised by caring, compassion and generosity towards clients and society (Mark & Pearson, 2001).
      • People should feel calm and secure with a brand of this archetype, and in its colour palette, black is not an appropriate colour due to its hints of power and authority – blue, yellow and orange are the most appropriate shades for this archetype (Broek, 2014).
      • The slogan and description of the website is “Mould eradication services” and “We work throughout Lithuania. 100% quality guarantee” has been changed to “We will protect your health from mould” and “We safely eliminate mould and help prevent reoccurrence”. The text next to the icons has also changed. “We don’t damage the walls” to “We care and don’t damage the walls”.
Original Homepage
Adjusted Homepage
  • DIY system for data collection
    • This research was made possible in a DIY system made on WordPress using ElementorPro. A sequence of pages were created, starting with a greeting and instructions, then a blank screen with a plus symbol in the middle to focus the attention which will automatically switch to the page being tested. After an interval of 7 sec. the display will automatically switch to the questionnaire window. Once the respondent has completed this and confirmed the step further, the review cycle will repeat with differing stimuli.
    • The clickable link delivered to the users had an automated 50/50 chance to give the original or the modified version of the page, thus giving a fair chance for both designs.
An example of the process
  • Analysis
    • The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics – examining the distribution of variables and averages, thus answering the research question – what impact does the first impression of an archetypal brand’s website have on visitors’ expectations of service satisfaction.


  • Quick recap of metrics
    • reliability – the accuracy of promised services;
    • assurance – the knowledge of the staff and their ability to convey trust;
    • tangibles – the physical premises, equipment, staff and communication;
    • empathy – the attitudes of concern and the personal attention to the customer; 
    • responsiveness – the willingness to help customers and to provide a prompt service

  • Looking at the overall rating of the website, there is a decrease in positive quality expectations in three out of five dimensions: tangible (-1.57), reassurance (-1.24) and empathy (-0.74). However, there is a clear positive difference in the dimension of trustworthiness between the existing and archetypal brand (+6.43)

Original Homepage

Last words

  • From a UX perspective, this research highlights the importance of aligning brand identity with user expectations. By understanding the psychological underpinnings of archetypal branding, designers can craft digital experiences that resonate deeply with users, fostering trust, loyalty, and engagement.
    • However, this model is far from perfect as the archetype is mainly build from the side of business – it would possibly be more effective if the branding would be made out of an archetypal image that the target audience already has. This means researching what the audience already feels rather than what the brand wants the users to feel. But to be fair, this may sound like selling-out to some, as business is a creative and even self-realizing project of its founders and team. In conclusion there has to be more room for the two side to find a match.
  • There was positive feedback on the visually appealing and engaging format and design of the survey.
  • From a methodological standpoint there are a few areas that could be fine tuned:
    • A complaints of fatigue or misunderstanding after the first survey arrived – the review and evaluation of the new website started too unexpectedly for a few respondents.

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